
Strength training programs

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These programs are and will always be free. If you need help running them, feel free to contact me.

BCK beginner program (English)

- beginner program based on linear progression and the big lifts
- built up in four phased
- includes manual
- how to's about warming up, keeping a log and finding your starting weight.

BCK intermidiate program (English)
- Intermediate powerlifting program
- includes manual and log.

Level up Strength 7.0 (Nederlands)
- Focus on 1 lift per day
- Three, three-week blocks
- Bench press, OHP, deadlift, squat and weighted chin-up
- weights partially calculated based on your training max
- download the log here (pdf)

Level up Strength 6 (Nederlands)
- Upper and lower body program
- Three, three-week blocks
- Bench press, OHP, deadlift, squat and weighted chin-up
- weights calculated based on your training max
- download the log here (pdf)

Learn the big lifts, become stronger and self sufficient in 12 weeks.